Hellsing Organisation

Hellsing Organisation a.k.a  Royal Order of  the Protestant
Knights, is an Organisaiton situated in London, Britain. It is their job to slay Vampires and ghouls. As a Protestant Organisaiton, they serve the Queen and are moral enemies to the Roman Catholics. The first person that the anime tells us of to rule Hellsing was Arthur a.k.a Athur Hellsing, followed by Richard Hellsing, who was replaced by Integra due to Athur's last wish of his daughter becoming the head of the Organisation, but it is also said that Abraham Hellsing was the one who started the Anti-Vampire Organisation.Hellsing's biggest weapon is Alucard, the Vampire who first server Athur followed by being awakened by Interga after years of sleep. Also, Hellsing is fond of Victoria Seras [A Drakulina blooded by Alucard].As well as their Vampires, Hellsing also has Walter C. Dornez a.k.a 'The Angel of Death' and Pip Burnedotte - a Frenchman, head of 'Wild Geese'.


Integra Fairbook Windgates van Hellsing Walter C. Dornez
Seras Victoria
Pip Bernedotte

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